Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Quick Podcast Update

Hello Folks,

Just a quick update regarding the Low Strangeness podcast that I've been talking about for the last year or so.

Yesterday I uploaded what will serve as the first episode here: https://soundcloud.com/lowstrangeness, or just, y'know, here:

In it, I cover the Trenton Snake UFO sighting, and briefly discuss the "invisible forest entity" phenomenon. 

While I get my podcasting bearings, and figure out exactly the format and mission of the podcast branch of Low Strangeness, I will be hosting exclusively on Soundcloud. Once this is all sorted I will be moving to more standard outlets.

So, check it out. Throw a follow or a like, and hit me with your feedback.

11.21.2020 UPDATE: The 3rd episode, airing on Monday 11.23.20, will be the last that will be uploaded to Soundcloud. From here on out they will be released on the various normal outlets, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, etc. 

Thank you so much to everyone who has subbed and followed, and I look forward to many more episodes with you.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

(Investigation) Poltergeist Activity, Mid Atlantic USA, September 2020

(Note: Last names, specific location, and personal details that were not absolutely necessary have been withheld at the request of the experiencers. They have been noted and verified by myself. Being that this investigation was handled remotely, I cannot verify the events, and was forced to use my own judgements to gauge the honesty of the experiencers. In the end, I felt as though something was happening to them, and what follows is a generalized summary of those events and my involvement in them. Further details, as well as the over forty pages of notes I took on the case, can be made available to professional researchers under stipulations.)

After moving to Austin, I was unemployed for a month or so. My morning routine began to take shape and eventually included coffee, breakfast tacos, and browsing the abnormal portions of reddit. I had been considering putting together the podcast, finally, and was combing material for something to kickstart me. A light piece of weird news, an entry level report of something I could quickly dissect. Something either easily debunkable, or entirely awe inspiring. On the morning of September 15th, among the various orb photos and nonsense, I found this post, by /u/GraveyardGoonz on the "ghosts" subreddit:

My girlfriend and I live in a graveyard and have for three years now. Last night we had the first strange thing ever happen here. It was 11:30 and she woke me up asking, "Did you hear that?!" I didn't know what she was referring to. She said she heard what sounded like chains downstairs and something hitting our bedroom door(we sleep with the bedroom door open). Thinking she was dreaming I got up and did a quick perimeter check around the house to ease her concerns. When I went to walk out of our bedroom she swore she saw something run past me and down the stairs(directly in front of our door). Again, I'm thinking she's still half asleep and continue my house check. Didn't see or hear anything. Trying to get back to sleep asap I tell her it's all good, and we cuddle back down. As soon as we close our eyes a very audible metal thud slams against our open bedroom door. We both shot up, and look at each other with 100% validation on what she just described. I'm laughing because we live alone with no cats or dogs. No open windows. Nothing at all that would have made that noise, but I'm still trying to explain it away while laughing at how insane that sounded. We turn on the lights, and look on the floor for whatever hit the door. Tiny screws that were on the balcony ledge outside of our room are now in our room and on the floor. I stand outside and throw them from where they were placed on the balcony. It hits our door with the identical sound and lands exactly where we found them on the floor. It took me a good hour and a half to fall back asleep. A couple house noises, but nothing that noticeable. Finally we wake up this morning and nervously laugh about whatever the hell that was. We're both sitting at our desk in the bedroom talking about the high strangeness a few minutes after starting our work for the day. Then the same noise happens again on our open bedroom door less than 4 feet from where my desk sits. Why would things start happening now? We decided to follow this thread looking for answers. Side note-we did buy a use lamp shade from Goodwill this week, but that's the only new item in the house.

Like any other post that grabs my attention, I shot off a quick response:

Is your name Steve?

I recently met someone else who had this exact scenario play out to them (minus the sighting of the "something running past"). To be clear, the screws were OUTSIDE, on a ledge (? What kind of ledge? Outside the bedroom, but inside the house?), then apported INTO the bedroom (through the door?), seemingly with force? Then, in daylight it happens again?

Were the screws warm? Did you notice any smells?

I was attempting to get a baseline and wrap my head around the layout of the hall/room/office. If the screws had apported into the room, they may have been warm, as is common in many reports dealing with objects suddenly appearing. Often sudden objects are also accompanied by smells (sulfer, lilac, maybe something familiar to the experiencer). 

Elsewhere in the thread, another user asked what the OP meant when they said they "live in a graveyard", to which OP answered:

So I live on a street that has a 1800's Graveyard directly across from my house. It's basically our house, driveway and then graveyard. We have a Youtube channel where we prank call people weekly as the "Graveyard Goonz". I don't have a specific picture, but we have hundreds of videos on that channel with our yard in it.

Following up later they also posted these pictures, to clarify:

The mention of running not only a youtube channel, but also one based on making prank calls made me suspicious, as this implies that these are people who, in their free time, enjoy pulling one over on people. However, these things can happen to anyone. Maybe it was bullshit, maybe it wasn't. What else was I doing anyway? I decided to continue to follow up, once the OP replied to my questions with the following;

So that's super freaking weird and last night it got stranger. My name isn't Steve but everything else you said happened exactly. No smell that we noticed and the screws weren't warm. Nothing else happened after posting this until last night at 11pm when we laid down. We had just put our head on the pillow and WHAM!! A much louder noise this time. I shot out of bed and rushed to see if it was another screw. I left only one on the ledge to temp whatever was happening to do it again. The screw was in the same spot I left it, and this time it was a stone!! A stone that 100% wasn't in my house ever. This thing looks like it was painted black(or burned) and it used to be red. It hit the bedroom door frame this time. It even had white marks on it from the impact (we just repainted over the door frames.) I'll post a pic tomorrow.

Rocks being thrown is a common occurrence in poltergeist reports, and if that was the case, to help cement that lead I asked if they had any stress in their lives at the moment. After watching one of their streams later (where I first learned their names, RJ and Danielle) I learned that the bedroom door had been open and the screws were being thrown from the hall, against the door, and into the room.

Last night we got two more!! The first stone in the pic is from the night before. You can see where it hit our freshly painted door frame. The second one was the weirdest thing to happen yet. It talked back to me with this thing. Right before turning our light off to go to bed last night I said. "We mean you no harm. We love you. We respect you. We just want a solid night's sleep. Thank you." I hit the light directly after saying this. The middle rock ricochets off the wall, hurled past me and landed on the floor. It was the most forceful one yet. We were fucking terrified after that. Light's went back on for a good twenty minutes. We decided to close the door for the night. Something we haven't done since we had roommates here. Just to test and see if we'd hear something hitting the door instead of physically coming into our room. We reluctantly turned the lights back off after psyching ourselves up to do so for a few minutes. As soon as our heads hit in the pillow, this third rock came flying from what seemed like the ceiling and landed in the same place they've been landing on the floor. Side note, they are building a new house on land that has never been occupied right next door. Not sure if that has something to do with any of this. My girlfriend and I have been through one of the most successful/stressful years of recent. We started a new business that took off and we weren't prepared for the amount of work it was going to be on top of our other business. A side hustle turned into a lifestyle, and it's definitely been an immense amount of pressure for us to both keep up with. The last week has actually been the least stressful we've had all year. We made a pack that we weren't going to let stress control our situation anymore and we are only focusing on gratitude from here out. After implementing this new mindset for two days, this all started happening?! Again, we've lived here for 3 years and nothing until this week.

Upgrading from screws to rocks, it definitely seemed as though it was demanding attention, and since the screws weren't doing the trick, well, next up. The curious aspect though is that OP states that these were rocks were not from inside his house. To me, at least two of them look like river rocks, and given that bodies of water, especially moving water, are often amplifiers of paranormal occurrences, I now began to draw up a list of questions, based partially on things I had asked other folks while researching, things that fit the bill of what seemed to be happening, and things that may find an explanation from a more mundane source. 

I noted to OP that, while annoying and frightening, it was good that this was displaying common signs, as it will help us find a solution quicker. Also, I noted that it was interesting that it began once the two of them decided to destress their lives, almost as though it was saying "don't do that, feed me!" I relayed the experience Elizabeth and I had regarding "me" being "bored" a few years back and then asked if they've had their soil/water/air tested at all.

Yeah we've laughed, relaxed and thoroughly enjoyed life a lot more the last 3-5 days. We've never had anything tested. We are tenants and up until now have never had a reason to look into anything. Also, not sure if I mentioned we've branded the hell out of the graveyard. We made a Youtube Channel called Graveyard Goonz three years ago. Every Wednesday we Live Prank Call people with occult themed topics. It's corky and extremely silly, but an insane amount of stress to prepare for every week. Last night we did an entire episode on ghosts and hauntings to tell our audience what's been going down. Even though we've always been into spooky stuff, having something actually happen is super freaking unsettling and nothing really prepares you for those late night chills down your back. Hearing rocks ricochet off your bedroom walls after talking to what you think is some form of spirit is fucking terrifying. We filmed a two minute reaction video after it happened. I'm going to start documenting whatever takes place. Considering hooking up the 360 camera tonight, but with it being pitch black and only being able to record 3-4 hours I'm not sure what use it would be.

The next day he followed up: 

Last night we left a night light(can't stand sleeping with any light) and a 360 camera plugged in the wall with a 400g SDCard. NOTHING!! Not a peep, not a thud, and definitely no rocks or pebbles. We swore not to discuss the camera before we got home last night. WE swore not to react to it anymore either. However the camera has a green blinking light on it, and I definitely fumbled with the charger for quite sometime while spilling a diffuser all over the plug. It was a mess, and if something saw me they could probably see I was doing something weird haha it was a damn Three Stooges Sketch. Anywho, for the first time in four nights absolutely nothing happened. Also someone asked if any graves in the graveyard have any stones or pebbles on them. I'll check this weekend. There are hundreds of graves out there.

Side note, they also relayed a story regarding an acid trip from a few years back in the cemetery. I believe drugs can be useful in paranormal (and many other) situations, but I also know that not every trip is a genuine experience, so for both the sake of brevity and investigative integrity, I will not include it here, though I do have a record of it. I do not think the two events are connected.

Privately, I sent the seemingly ever-growing questionnaire, and we began discussing the situation in more detail. 

Thanks so much for reaching out with these questions. I'm going to think on these for the day and get back to you tomorrow. There's definitely some that stand out to us. Also, last night I did the night light and 360 camera thing again. Nothing happened we know of but I woke up in the middle of the night to pee and the camera had shut off. I thought the SDcard was full, got up this morning and it was only halfway full. It was 100% charging so there's no reason that thing should've died. I'm a videographer and this thing is glued to my hip. May be coincidence. Maybe something happened and that's what compelled me to wake up. Like a noise I don't remember or something. Or maybe I just had to piss and the 360 wasn't full plugged in. That last part is highly unlikely though. Talk to you tomorrow.

We spoke back and forth about the event. and the following day, the activity became more targeted.

In a response to another poster in the original thread, OP answered:

Honestly, we are done communicating with this thing. The one time I talked openly and positively to it, it hurled a pebble at me with the most force it's used so far. This 360 is one of the most reliable smaller cameras I've ever had. In fact yesterday we went on a hike for over an hour without it even being plugged in, and it gave us no issues. Whatever it is, it feels like it's pranking us. We have an occult themed prank call show called, "Calls from the Grave". I feel like this thing is trying to be ironic and turn the joke back on us. Tonight, we're going to sleep with no camera and no night light for the first time since Wednesday night and see what happens. I know it wouldn't make for a great story, but I'm completely cool with this being the end of this saga if possible.

and then:

Holy shit!! About 5 minutes after typing this, we got another rock delivered out of thin fucking air!!! My girl was texting one of her girlfriends typing, "I'm hoping this ghost thing is over with". I was uploading a Youtube prank video(titled "Ghetto Ghost Girlfriend"). We hear a loud thud behind us, and this is what landed on the ground. During broad daylight, no camera running, and the first thing since Wednesday night!! We are beside ourselves right now.

They also included the following pictures:

In a text conversation, he then explained that there had been three rocks thrown that day, doubling their count of the week, two of which seemed to be directly attacking the couple. One, a "kiwi sized" rock after RJ had declared loudly "You are not welcome here!", the other being the smaller rock that hit Danielle in the back after she had finished saging the house. He attached a photo of the three rocks thrown, with a lighter for scale:

I strongly suspected it was poltergeist activity, due to the stress of the last year. I asked if either of them had any strong psychic traits, even anything as much as surprisingly good intuition, and Danielle strongly agreed that she did. Being that she was a stressed younger woman with at least a passing flair for psychic ability, and the close proximity to such a high energy location for the last three years, my theory was that if it was a poltergeist, it was coming from her. Despite being a few years older than the average, she closely fit the profile. However, in working this investigation I read "On the Track of the Poltergeist" by the great researcher D. Scott Rogo who puts forth examples of poltergeist cases wherein groups of people seemed to be the "agent" generating the poltergeist. After getting to know the two of them a little better, and through a good amount of their answers to the questions I constantly bombarded them with, I began to suspect that this may be the case here. 

I strongly encouraged them to take precautions. Get out of the house for a week. Go camping. Get a motel. Get the house blessed. Do not communicate with or acknowledge the entity. To go and relax. Whatever needed to be done to calm the situation.

Worryingly though, they chose not to leave, as they had work to finish and they'd be going on vacation shortly anyway. From a financial point of view, I understood, but if I were getting rocks thrown at me (mind, she is the only one that has been hit by one at this point, and commonly people hit by projectiles in poltergeist situations tend to be unharmed), my safety would be a concern.

Not being able to be on the ground there I found myself feeling a little useless in helping their situation. I recommended that if they had to stay, to project positivity as much as possible. Get the house blessed.  Sage the absolute shit out of the house, a few times a day. If I was wrong about the poltergeist, then I wanted to have them taking precautions. By RJ's account, the rock hit Danielle AFTER she finished saging. It could be retaliation, or antagonization, or entirely random. At this point, I felt as though any gesture at all could lead to a reaction, but plain and simple; positivity over negativity. 

RJ kept attempting to film, but for whatever reason, whenever he filmed activity would stop entirely. 

On September 20th (the day that the "kiwi sized" rock was thrown toward RJ), the couple filmed a walk through of the house with a friend, attempting to use a filter on Tik Tok that uses facial recognition to see if they would catch anything. By no means a professional investigative technique, or even accurate to an actually useful degree, I still found it interesting. In the video I noticed a number of odd glitches in the camera being used for the walk through. Seemingly random blurring over peoples faces, or various objects. Tik Tok catches various non-human faces (including a Chewbacca doll, various posters, and a skateboard) and applies the filter, however at one point it applies the filter to the bannister, where the screws were originally thrown from, and also directly outside their bedroom door. The filter, which adds a sort of gradient ripple to the object it "sees", does not apply in the shape of a human, but rather in large splotches on and around the bannister. As RJ moves the camera around the hall  it repeatedly identifies the bannister and applies the filter. Here are screenshots from the walkthrough video showing moments where the bannister was highlighted:

Also of note in this video, around this same time, a shadow, which both Danielle and RJ have reported seeing fleetingly at this point, can be seen quickly moving in the bathroom at the end of the hall, seemingly sliding downward and disappearing:

Over the course of our many conversations, RJ would remember various things that had happened to them, and I began to pin down a timeline. The current wave, it seemed, was not out of nowhere.

Since moving in three years back, RJ had dealt with regular brown outs and appliance malfunctions. I assumed this was wiring, and asked RJ to confirm with the landlord whether or not the previous tenant had had any issues with it. They had not, though RJ did admit to having many, many things regularly plugged in at once, constantly. Also of note, it appears as though MOP (or "Missing Object Phenomenon") had been regularly present for years. RJ chalked this up to the fact that they are busy people and probably misplace things, however he also said that due to their busy lifestyle "this leads to many things going missing, then being right were we thought they were." If it weren't for that last line, I'd have agreed with him.

For me the timeline becomes especially interesting in the spring of 2020, and is, in my opinion when this wave actually began. According to the couple, this is also when their home business began to pick up speed and their stress began to rise exponentially.

In the spring of 2020 they had multiple appliances fail. A freezer, a garbage disposal, and an air conditioner, all within a couple weeks of each other. In this same time period, a bedroom shelf collapsed on them in the middle of the night.

Shortly thereafter a single knock was heard on their kitchen window (as they were working on their side business). Immediately investigating, RJ found nothing that would have caused it. A week later it happened again and RJ was able to immediately look through the window. Again, nothing was discovered.

Relative quiet for a few weeks (nothing notable, anyway) and then on September 6th, both of their cars died in their driveway. For the record, this sort of mischievous activity with machinery and electronics, in conjunction with the knocking and rock throwing, screams poltergeist. Upon laying out the timeline, I no longer had doubts.

From here, I will recount RJ's timeline, as he wrote it to me, to prevent any misinterpretation:

Monday September 14th: Danielle woke me up at 11pm asking, “Did you hear that?!” She was frantic and I thought still half dreaming. She said it sounded like there were chains in the living room and she heard a metal thud against the door. Thinking she was still asleep and doing “the man thing” I checked around the parameter of the house. When I got to walk outside of my room she says, “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!”. Looking at her confused she says, “It looked like something just ran by you and down the stairs?!”. (She told me it was a shadow when we got back into bed.) I saw nothing so I just kept walking. Checked the whole house. Nothing odd, and I’m tired so I lay back down. She was even more confused that I found nothing. This isn’t like her. As soon as we lay our heads back on the pillow we hear a, “PING!” super audibly and unmistakable. I shoot up out of bed and run for the lights. The only thing on the ground is a screw. A tiny light socket sized screw on the floor of our room, right in the walkway I had just stepped over when checking the house. We were both super freaked out because whatever that sound was, it was thrown with force. Some “Thing” would’ve had to have launched it. Being two people who love the paranormal, occult and overall strange we felt much different about it when we were experiencing it. I go back out to the hallway and find a bunch of screws out on the banister. I throw one from the banister at our door and it makes the identical sound and lands in the same spot on the carpet of our room. We both look at each other mouth agape. We then take all screws but one(it’s still in the same spot I left it as I write this) and we place them in a safe to hold the placement of the one screw more accountable. It took a good 20-40 minutes to go back to bed. When I did I had the first dream of my dad speaking to me from the beyond since he passed in 2016. Every other dream I’ve had with him in it up until that point he was still alive and nothing was off. In this dream, he was very much gone, no longer in pain and telling me beautiful things about how proud he was of all his kids, how bad he fucked up [redacted sentences for the sake of privacy]. He even told me he thought the prank call show was hilarious and he wished he was still alive to watch it regularly. It was such a strange dream because it felt so fucking real. Like he wasn’t just a dream figure. However, it wasn’t a lucid dream so who knows really. I woke up the next day and swore it had to have been Dad playing a prank on me the night before.

Tuesday September 15th: Other than the reddit post and talking to each other, we thought nothing of the matter. That night we go to bed around 11:30pm and as soon as our heads hit the pillow we hear a loud, “THUD!” Both of us shoot out of bed and run out into the hallway looking for a moved screw(even though it sounded nothing like that.) We look down on the hallway floor right under the banister ledge where the screw is and there’s a river rock?! “Where the fuck did this come from?! Did you bring this in the house?” “Why would I bring a random river rock in the house?” We were so freaking confused. This is an area our attention was highly aware of the last 24 hours because both of us were looking to see if the screw moved whenever we’d use the bathroom(the ledge is right next to it) and here’s this rock right in the way of getting to the bathroom. You’d either have to step over it or on it. We were a little more freaked out, but still looking for some sort of explanation. We both collect crystals and geodes. Maybe we accidentally snagged a river rock, forgot about it and it’s been in the middle of a floor that we’ve stepped and vacuumed a thousand times? We really couldn’t make any sense of it, but it wasn’t THAT BAD.

Wednesday September 16th: At this point there’s no two ways about it, we are freaked out! Talking about it on Reddit that day and we even did a “Ghost” themed show on our Prank Call Show that night. Our show is called, “Calls from the Grave” so we thought it was an amazing branding move haha. We talked at length about what had been going on, showed the rock and even talked to the “ghost” a couple times on the show. When we went to bed that night I said(speaking from our room and looking out the door facing the hallway) “We love you, we mean you no harm…we just want a solid night of rest. Please!” I then go and unplug our Christmas Lights that illuminate our room at night when we watch TV. As soon as I pull the light a loud ricochet sound hits the wall(or door?) and a river rock ands right next to me. I fumbled for the light switch and look at Danielle FREAKED THE FUCK OUT!! This thing just communicated with me! I record our reaction and tell the story on my phone. It was too much. It was too vivid and unmistakably talking to me at that point. It took us 20 minutes to get in bed after that. As soon as our head hit the pillow, he hear a ricochet in our room. Against the wall behind the door and another river rock lands where the Christmas lights plug in! We turn the light back on just completely fucking dumbfounded. I’m not even sure we said much, just looked at each other like, WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS. HAPPENING. IN. OUR. HOUSE?!

Thursday September 17th: We are completely done taking chances at this point. It’s obviously wanting our attention and getting worse by the night. At this point I’m asking her if she wants to sleep with a nightlight. We had just gotten out this “Pizza on a paper plate” nightlight out of storage a month or so back. She wanted to sleep with it before but I like total darkness. As I am typing this we haven’t gone a night without that nightlight since Thursday September 17th. I grab my 360 camera and plug it in for the night as well. For the first night in four…nothing at all happens.

Friday September 18th: This night we do the nightlight/360 thing again. This night we hear or see nothing but I did nothing the camera just stopped 25minutes into recording. It had a full charge when I woke up and over 100gigs of SDCard space left on it. There’s no reason this thing should’ve stopped. I use it almost on the daily, never had that happen if it’s plugged in.

Saturday September 19th: As I had mentioned before Danielle and I are super into strange/paranormal stuff. Always have been since we met three years ago. We try to go hiking every Saturday and if we can find a haunted area to go in we do that. Even though that’s the last thing we should’ve done we are working on a project that needs us to go to haunted places to film. So we find this place in Salisbury, MD called Pokomoke Forest. Apparently there’s a legend about a Sea Captain who murdered his family in cold blood and you can hear the wife and baby screaming in the woods at night. This isn’t what drew us though. Apparently a little while back there was a ghost tour going on in the woods at night(one that still takes place today) and the tour lady heard rustling in a bush with her tour followers behind her. It freaked her out because there was nothing in the bush and her tour followers were a little freaked out. Then all of a sudden rocks and pebbles starting falling from the trees and hitting the tour peeps. They ran out of the wood with rocks being pelted at them the entire way out. It’s right on a haunted river called Pokomoke River(this is supposedly where the Sea Captain murdered his wife). So our thought is RIVER ROCKS?! So we go looking for answers and testing out some new camera gear. Nothing at all happened. The 360 did shut off a couple hours after going to sleep though. Again, fully charged and plenty of space on the SDcard.

(LS Note: This is a news story regarding the forest, to give context. Note the rock throwing.)

Sunday September 20th: I get up and immediately start telling Reddit about the non-action that’s happened since I turned the camera on. I even wrote something along the line, “I know it’s not great for story purposes but this may be the end of this saga”. My girl is texting her girlfriend and telling her the same. That’s when out of fucking nowhere behind us we hear a ricochet hit between the door and wall with the Christmas light plug in a land. Again, jaws on the floor looking at each other. I grab it and it’s the biggest river rock yet. Looks like a long black kidney bean. We couldn’t believe it just happened in broad day light!! So I did was [redacted for my own privacy] told me, and that was tell it that it’s not welcomed here. I did this with anger, fear and force. Very loudly I stood up, looked into the hallway and said, “YOU ARE NOT WELCOMED IN THIS HOUSE!!!” Danielle was freaked out by how much emphasis I put into this. I spoke with my entire being. I then sat down in my desk chair, turned around to face my computer again and “WHAM!!!”. A kiwi sized river rock smacked my desk chair armrest(inch or two from my resting hand) with the most force of anything so far. Imagine a grown adult standing 2 feet away from you overhanding a kiwi sized river rock with all their might in your direction. We both looked down and saw how big this rock was and we shot up out of our desk chairs FREAKED THE FUCK OUT!!! This was broad daylight, people!! No 360 running and it felt like this thing knew that! We immediately left our room and considered leaving the house right there. However Danielle goes, “I’m grabbing the sage!”. I’m pacing at this point. Texting all my friends and family looking for answers(they first thought D and I had lost our shit btw). She finishes sageing the house with our room last. As she’s finishing up a rock hits her in the back!! It was a little river rock and it wasn’t with much force, but this time it came from the opposite side of our room. She was facing the door looking down at the sage while she put it out and it hits her in the back. Something either threw it from her desk chair area or from the door like it’s always thrown stuff but ricocheted off of the wall behind her hitting her in the back. We paced around our house for hours calling and texting anyone we knew for help. We grabbed some coffee and walked around the graveyard looking for answers with the 360 on again. No graves really stood out. There are some rocks out there but no river rocks like these. It’s one thing to hear stories about ghost moving stuff in a house. It’s another thing entirely to experience an entity materializing river rocks out of thin air(that 100% were not in your home) and hurling them at you in broad day light. We filmed the rest of the day. That night we considered not sleeping here but tried it anyway. It was the first night the 360 stayed on all night.

Monday September 21st: I’m talking to my box turtle while he eats his worms(good boy!) in our room. His little house is in our closet which is between my desk and the area we plug the Christmas lights in. I see a blacker than black shadow glide by my open bedroom door out of my peripherals. I swore it had to be Danielle so I call out for her. She was downstairs in the kitchen. No clue what that was that glided by the door but it felt like it wanted to be seen. We had been filming downstairs most of the day but were about to take a walk and I had just turned it off. It wouldn’t have done me any good upstairs in my room thought. Again, camera records all night no problem.

Tuesday September 22nd: No activity, camera records all night no problem. We’ve had sage blasting around the whole house every day since Sunday, and filmed most of the day as well.

Wednesday September 23rd: We film most of the day again. More sage. Decide to do a light hearted episode about crystals on our show and for the most part don’t talk about our situation on air(for the most part, I definitely hinted at it a few times). Again, camera records all night. I thought I heard something outside of our room but when checking for rocks Thursday morning I found nothing.

Thursday September 24th: No activity. Camera records all night again. Nothing to really mention other than it was the first day we forgot to light sage. We weren’t home most of the day.

On October 1st, RJ reported to me that the mixer they use regularly for their show had been disconnected entirely. Note the six day stretch here. A couple of days later, RJ reported that on October 4th; Danielle and I had a hella stressful day of business and we had two pebbles thrown in the hallway. The next day we had a third pebble thrown in the staircase area.

Nine days later, on October 12th, RJ checked in again noting that they had slept without the camera running for the first time in a month. He states "other than a couple things being unplugged" nothing else was happening, though he was developing a habit of waking up 2 - 3 times a night without noticeable provocation. The waking up could be paranoia. stress. General anxiety. It had been a long month or two. However, as someone who shares a similar pattern (in fact, we learned that RJ and I share a number of patterns), I can't entirely discount the waking up as something mundane, unless you count human survival instinct as mundane. The unplugging of appliances however seemed to be a new hobby of the poltergeist. Thankfully, a less violent hobby. 

Thirteen days later, on October 25, RJ sent a few pictures, along with the following message:

...It's been almost two weeks of nothing whatsoever. Last night I went into our guest room that we almost never go into. I found this thread wrapped around a lamp wire which was clearly cut into by something. Not sure if this thread somehow cut into this cable (no clue how that would even happen). Or if somehow something wrapped thread around exposed wire for some reason? It was odd how perfectly the thread was odd how perfectly the thread was touching the exposed wire in the grooves. It could have wrapped around any other part of the cable and it was almost melted in there and super difficult to remove.

Other than that and a few thuds downstairs at night, it's been radio silence.

He included these photos:

I explained to RJ, and I am sure it already crossed his mind, that regardless of what caused the thread and wire to occur, it was a fire hazard. It could have been thread caught while vacuuming and slowly cut into the wire. It could have been anything, but it was dangerous.  I advised him to keep a close eye on anything he could to prevent that. Unfortunately, this is a moment when a field investigation would be extremely helpful. The detail work. 

As of this writing, the activity has continued. At one point RJ notes that it occasionally sounds like someone steps on the attic hatch door just outside of their bedroom (which coincidentally has been happening in my own life as well). I have recommended they reach out to local investigators, as I'm not sure what else I could offer from such a distance. 

Based purely on the (admittedly anecdotal) evidence, and comparing it to other well-researched cases by more seasoned professionals and institutions over the last handful of decades, I am as convinced as I can be from a distance that this is a genuine poltergeist case, emanating from the two of them and caused by the encompassing wave of stress the last eight months or so in their lives.  

They have still not gone on vacation.

Note: Though they operate many side business', this is not a professional endorsement of them. However, for allowing me to take over their privacy for the last two months, I feel as though it would be a courtesy to post their various links here. The couple did "pay" me for my services with products from one of their business and I can attest that they did gain a customer from it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Activity in My Life (September 2020, Austin, Texas)

In September I left Burlington to move back to Austin, Texas. We drove down over the course of four days, arriving to the first place we have been able to call our own in nearly three years. It, of course, felt good, but I have a way of losing that steam fairly quickly.

The last time I lived in Austin, two years prior, I was going through a number of difficult life changes. In fact, nearly two years ago to the day (as I write this), is when Elizabeth watched "me" wake from a dead sleep, look at her, say "I'M BORED" in a different voice, and fall back asleep. My anxiety eventually hit an all time high, as far as I am concerned, with panic attacks creeping up nearly daily. Granted, some situations I was dealing with were difficult, but I can not recall ever being so utterly crippled by anxiety before that, even in far worse moments of my life. I am explaining this to give a bit of context, and potential explanation, to what comes next.

I read recently that statistically, people have a difficult time sleeping in a new place the first night, then an upward trend of comfort in their surroundings occurs from the second night onward. My trouble sleeping is well documented throughout my writing, but comfort is rarely one the issues. I did not feel comfortable in the new place. I was up all night. Staring. Listening. Sounds I couldn't identify (I chalked them up to being errant rodents, but come daylight I could find none of the tell tale signs of them). Shadows acting less like objects in the wind, and more sentient. Of course, the mind is a mischievous child. You can't trust it, especially in the dark. I felt watched. I felt something curious. I don't claim to be an empath, or anything of the sort, but that first night, that is what I felt. 

There was an alarm on the the back door. We were diligent about making sure the house was entirely locked down. Coming to a new neighborhood, in a city where we had previously been held at gunpoint, we don't take too many chances in that regard. The alarm was a motion sensor that when tripped, emitted a sharp, braying tone over and over. It tripped near 1:30 am and we both shot upright. Investigated. All doors still locked. No signs of intrusion or rodents. Back to bed. Two hours later it happened again. I had fallen asleep and when it went off the second time I nearly jumped out of bed and yelled "Hey!" in an attempt to frighten off who or whatever was in the house. Again we investigated. Again we found nothing.

Night two was no better. New sounds. New shadows. We killed the alarm. If it was malfunctioning then it was useless, but it seemed as though even if it was functioning properly it was useless if I could never find the culprit. I barely slept. My back began to ache.

Day three my back was excruciating. Standing upright was next to impossible. I was eating painkillers throughout the day and then in the middle of it my first panic attack in a few weeks. Elizabeth talked me down, and I went to bed. 

Each night I began taking Advil PM. Numbed my back and knocked me out, but it was difficult to keep under. Repeatedly I would wake up. Hear a clacking noise in the kitchen. The living room. The attic. See a shadow peering in the bedroom, and then sliding back into the kitchen. I was in pain. I was under-slept, I was filled with anxiety. Hallucinating was definitely an explanation.

We have been here two weeks at this point. I have run out of Advil PM. I take large doses of melatonin to help keep me down, but I am still waking up around 3am each night to sounds I can't identify. To a weight pressing down on the attic door. To a shadow peering into the bedroom. My panic attacks have become daily. At one point I fought the melatonin and forced myself to stay awake thinking "Go away, you are not welcome here," repeatedly. It was exhausting. In the morning, relaying the story to Elizabeth, I told her I felt "threatened", though, I don't remember feeling that way now.

Last night, Elizabeth and I were awakened at nearly the same time, though we both perceived things entirely differently. I heard something in the attic. A weight that must have been smaller than a person, but larger than a rat or squirrel. Walking around. Clacking. The weight of the attic door occasionally pressing hard enough to click the lock repeatedly. I, at some point, fell back asleep, despite being wholly attentive as it was happening. Elizabeth however woke to what she called "something communicating". She described laying in bed and hearing clacking in the kitchen, a moment passing, and then a reply of similar clacking from the living room. She said it happened a number of times. She did not experience what I experienced.

The reason I brought up my troubles with Austin the last time I was here is that I wonder if I am experiencing a sort of emotional flashback. A variety of PTSD.

However, Strieber also had some trouble in Austin.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Back Roads of New York. (Galway, New York, 08.10.20)

As it usually goes, some people seem more attune to, or likely to experience, the abnormal than others. 

Recently, my friend Tara Rule (whose UAP sighting over New Jersey I covered earlier this year) reached out to me regarding an incident she and her partner experienced. 

In keeping with my code of keeping all information open and leaving as little to interpretation as possible, here is her email to me (titled "ghomst");

    My partner and I used to drive around all the time and look for spooky places when we were kids. We were feeling nostalgic so we took a night drive. I started filming on my phone out the window just in case we saw anything out of the ordinary. 

    My partner has multiple masters degrees in Science and is an AI programmer, so he doesn’t like to admit that he’s sensitive to things because it’s outside the realm of explanation, but he is. We drove aimlessly for a long time and ended up on some unnamed road near Galway when he started to feel something. We turned onto a desolate road with hardly any houses on it. He said, “If you see a flashing light at an intersection, we need to turn left.” I asked why and he said he didn’t know. Neither of us were familiar with the area we were in. About a mile down the road, we saw a flashing light at an intersection and turned left onto a road that didn’t have a sign indicating the name of it. He asked me to go on maps and see if I could find a road named Stairs. I thought the name was weird, but I looked on google maps and it said we were already on a road called Stairs Road.

    We drove for quite a while. At one point I said I didn’t feel anything and he said he felt like something was about to happen. A moment later, we drove through a mist. It was warm out, and we had been driving through the country all night. There was no fog or mist anywhere else. Not saying it couldn’t have been fog, but it seemed odd that  it only appeared in a narrow strip on the road and nowhere else. We drove for what felt like a very long time, but didn’t see anything. Whenever we passed an animal or a person in their driveway, we made sure to say something about it so we wouldn’t mistake it for something else when we watched the footage back. I didn’t look away from the road once, except to check for Stairs Road once - this was not only to ensure that there were no people, but also because my partner doesn’t see animals crossing the street as well as I do, and we’ve almost hit a few animals in the past. 

    At one point, my partner and I both made note of feeling like we were in some kind of time warp, as strange as that sounds. When we finished recording, I looked at the amount of time we had been filming - over 70 minutes. We only filmed for about half the time we were driving. We began filming at 8:49pm. The last video was taken at 9:11pm. The times just don’t add up. 

    Because of the weird time difference, I looked at the footage. 

    On route 126, only a few moments after driving through the mist and my partner stating that something weird was going to happen, a girl appeared in the video on the left hand side of the road wearing what looks like a bikini top and denim cutoff shorts. We did not see her with our eyes. She looked so real, I initially thought it was human error on our end and that it was, in fact, a person. 
    I really thought about it and know for a fact I did not take my eyes off the road for a second, and neither did my partner. I still wasn’t convinced it wasn’t just a girl until I looked at the footage closer.
    Before the girl appears, a car passes by us on the same side of the street as the girl. You can see the vehicle coming for quite a distance. The car never swerved out of the way. Based on where the girl was on the street, the car would have hit her if the driver did not swerve. I suppose it’s possible the girl jumped out of the way of the car, but it seems unlikely.
     A girl wearing a bikini top and shorts walking down the side of the road alone late at night was kind of weird on it’s own, but then I zoomed in on the footage. 
    It looks as if the girl just kind of fades in from the feet up. The headlights of our car hit the telephone poles down the way and you can see those clearly from a distance, but not the girl.  At one point, a mailbox is sticking out in her path and she appears to walk through it. When I blew up the video on my computer and brightened it a bit, I feel like I can see the mailbox through her, as if she’s not fully solid. 
     If that isn’t enough, she doesn’t have a head. I thought maybe this was an illusion caused by the headlights, but in the video, trees next to her and street signs right near her are illuminated all the way up. I also enhanced the brightness as high as I could, and it really doesn’t look like she has a head.
    I have all the footage from that night that I can send you, but I’ll just send you the important stuff for now and give you some timestamps below. I’ll chop some of it up so you don’t have to sit through boring nonsense while nothing is happening. 
    You did such a good job enhancing the UFO footage that I didn’t know if you could play around with this footage to make it more clear. I’ve tried on my computer, but I’m not used to working with low quality footage so I feel like I’m just making it worse, haha. 
    I also googled girls that went missing in the area, and quite a few girls in our age group have been bludgeoned in the head to death in that area. One girl was murdered this way last year and was found wearing denim cutoffs. 
    I’m HOPING that when you enhance the footage, it’s clearly just a person, because I really don’t like trying to wrap my head around shit like this, haha. But I SWEAR on every fiber of my being there was NO PERSON and we’re both militantly sober people, so we were of sound mind when this all went down. 
     Lemme know what you think!

Beginning of video is just some weird stuff that seemed kind of relevant conversation wise.
    1:41 - mist 
    2:15 - car comes into frame, does not swerve
    2:33 - right before girls legs appear
    (if you miss the girl, stop video at 2:36;25 , you’ll see her clearly on the very left hand side of the screen, right before the picture cuts off. It’s fast so she’s easy to miss the first time you watch it.)
    You can hear that neither of us react. 

Reading the email initially, I found the partner's intuitive exploration fascinating, but what really jumped out to me was the out of place mist and missing time. These two factors go hand in hand in paranormal reports for centuries. From the classic Bermuda Triangle tales, to the more recent Missing411 cases often involving sudden fogs, mists, or unexpected heavy weather, strange mists and missing time go hand in hand. For me, even trying to play the "fair skeptic" card, this (coupled with the intuitive exploration) indicated something was happening. Also, the fact that this is just one more oddity taking place in Saratoga County, NY really grabs me.

The footage I received was indeed cut up. But, to be fair, I'm not sure my horrible laptop could even handle processing multiple versions of a 70+ minute film clip. It should be noted that I have not seen the full footage, nor have I any evidence that the times that are claimed (8:49 to 9:11 pm) are accurate. I trust Tara, but would love to have that evidence. 

Here is the clip I was sent, as well as a couple of "cleaned up" (as much as I could) versions:

Tara's initial time stamps are inaccurate at this point, as I have pushed the footage forward for the context bit at the beginning of the video. In the footage you hear the two of them discussing the mist. Occasionally pointing out things they are passing. Toward the end of the clip you do see what seems like a girl walking on the lefthand side of the screen. As far as being headless... I don't know. No, I don't see a face, or anything above the neck, but a few things could be going on here:

1. She is walking with her head down and her hair is covering her face.
2. The headlights just don't reach that high up (coupled with low quality video shot at night).

I think either one of these are perfectly fine explanations, as much as I think it would be cool to see a headless ghost walking around in dukes and a crop top. As far as the cars not swerving, it's also possible they didn't see her, or she moved out of the way. It's an interesting and fun addendum to the evening, but in my opinion, the missing time is the real star of this show. 

However, Tara points out that there have been girls in the area that were found bludgeoned to death. I found one case that was similar, and not too far from where they were driving, but not necessarily tightly enough connected. Tara later sent me the same article, and agrees that the connection would be tenuous at best. According to the article the girl was found on "Dean Lung Road", which is about nine miles from the area Tara and her partner were driving.

In the end, and after watching, editing, and contemplating Tara's clip for about a week now, I'd have to say the "headless girl" is a combination of poor light, poor video, and poor decisions (seriously, don't walk on the side of the road at night without a light or something reflective, lest you end up headless). As for why neither Tara or her partner saw the girl until they watched the footage back, well even my first time watching the footage I didn't see her. I had to go back and look at the time stamp before I saw it. It remains possible that the two of them just didn't see her (again, I say; wear something reflective or bring a light).

The thing about this event to me that really grabs me, that I'd love to investigate a bit more is the missing time. Seventy minutes of footage filmed within a half hour? 

However, if you are a person who was walking that area around 9pm on August 10th, 2020, I'd love to hear from you. Ghost or not.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Activity in My Life (July 2020, Burlington VT)

A few months of general calm. 

One night in April I woke to the sound of the string lights in my room tapping against the wall. When I looked up it continued briefly and then stopped, almost with force. There was no breeze and the window was closed. Immediately afterward a large painting of mine called "Dry" fell off of the wall, again, with force. This, and other phenomena, has been known to happen, and continues.

Small synchronicities abound as per usual. Nothing to really note. I am sure I am forgetting something, but with the way this year has gone, can you blame me?

In July I began experimenting with the app "Randonautica", which uses random number generators to create GPS coordinates. The app suggests setting an intention and many, many people (myself included) have experienced synchronicities on a varying scale using the app. Chaos magic in the app store. 2020, am I right? I have a few thoughts on the idea of forcing synchronicity that I'm not entirely comfortable with, but, like any good man of damnation, I intend to fuck around.

However, it should be noted that since using the app, a number of interesting things have begun to occur. I will exclude small synchronicities (hearing a name I was just thinking, for example).

On July 27th -
I was lying in bed after work. It was shortly after 1 am. A water droplet fell on my leg. When I touched my leg the spot was wet before being absorbed by my skin. There was no rain, no leak, no source that I could find. I told Elizabeth and she thought that the fan may blown in water from somewhere. A few minutes later a larger drop hit my back. In the morning Elizabeth drew the connection to the water droplet sounds we had been hearing (and recorded) over the winter but couldn't find. The fan may be the best explanation.

July 29th-
At 7:08pm Elizabeth was lying on our bed when another painting of mine called "Routine is Taking it's Toll" jumped off the wall. Elizabeth was adamant that there was no breeze and no reason for it. Though she has experienced this sort of thing for a while, she was so disturbed by it that she left the house for a number of hours. A note on this painting is the title, which at the time I didn't think of. When I first moved to Austin, "I" woke up from sleep, looked at Elizabeth, and in "someone else's voice" (according to her) said "I'm bored".

A short while later, that same day, at 7:55 pm, Elizabeth is biking on a bike trail and according to her, she thinks how nice it would be to run into someone she knows. We have lived in this city for less than a year and know very few people. She immediately runs into someone we had met a few nights before.

Similarly, at 11pm, a coworker (who will remain nameless for now) and I were discussing another coworker we hadn't heard from in a long time. That morning the coworker emails her.

at 11:32pm, after I had clocked off and was walking to the elevator in the empty hallway, over my left shoulder a voice loudly says what sounds like "HOOOOF" in a breathy but strained adult female voice. No one is near me. No explanation.

July 30th- 
at 11:31 am Elizabeth is considering putting on her makeup while sitting at her desk. She looks around and sees a palette. Less than a minute later she gets an email notification selling palettes. This one is small, sure, but I include to point out the amount of noticeable activity.

A small note to end the entry:
Beginning in the last week I have begun to experience nocturnal leg cramping. Which is obviously more horrible than anything.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

UAP (The Skies above New Jersey), January 13, 2020

I should have known 2020 was going to be wild.

On December 30th, 2019 around 10:45 pm a large explosion rattled a good chunk of my home area, Saratoga County, NY, followed by an odd green glow in the sky seen for miles. Explanations ranged from "frostquakes", to transformers exploding (debunked) to meteors. A meteor was the final conclusion that was drawn, but there seems to be as little evidence of that as anything else. More fantastical, or sarcastic types, may as well have just assumed it to be a herald.

Then a few weeks later, January 16th became an odd day for my Facebook feed. First, a good friend of mine (who remains anonymous here) noticed this in the Albany NY sky:

A few folks at the time pointed out similar ring pattern phenomena, but all seemingly at night, in cloudy skies. The fact that his sighting was in broad daylight, in a mostly clear sky makes his quite a bit more interesting. In his Facebook post he was certain the lights were not drones, however, in his NUFORC report, he does not say one way or the other. His NUFORC report is here:

Very shortly after, another friend of mine, Tara Rule, posted to Facebook this status: 

anyone have any idea what this light could be? 

It is quite large and hovered right above the clouds for about 20 minutes. 

It must have been moving with us during the time it stayed directly across from us, 

because it would have moved farther out of my view if it were stationary. 

After about 20 minutes, it started to move upward and dart around in a really 

bizarre way. If you speed up the video, you can really see how it darts back and 

forth in an unnatural way. It was much too fast to be a weather balloon as it kept up 

with us, and lasted way too long and was much too large to be ball lightning. 

along with these photos, that were taken a few days before, on January 13th, in the skies over New Jersey (approximately near Trenton, according to a later email) on a trip from Orlando FL to NY:

as well as the footage used in this video:

In the video you will notice I have included the raw footage, then a version with brightness / contrast enhanced,  as well a third version with slight stabilization and sharpening. I tend to avoid sharpening due to it unfortunately creating artifacts in the video, but I figured the dim nature of the video could use all the help it could get. Finally, I added a fourth version with the raw footage at 3x speed. At this speed the erratic nature of the light is obvious against the clouds as it sort of bounces around the sky, even with the camera occasionally wandering about.

Upon seeing her post, I suggested she report the sighting to both MUFON and NUFORC (which I recommend anyone with a sighting do). Here is her NUFORC report, which she also later emailed to me:

Here it is in full:

I was on Frontier Airlines flight F91006, with direct service from Orlando, FL to Albany, NY on January 13th, 2020.

At 5:30 pm, I looked out the window and noticed a bright light. The light hung directly above the cloud line. At first, I thought it may have been a tall building or another plane, but I saw the city lights below and realized that no building would have been tall enough to reach such heights since we were at 30,000ft. I realized it wasn’t another plane, as the light stayed consistent and did not move. I watched it for a few moments and saw another plane in the distance fly in front of it. At that point, I was able to gauge the size of it a bit better. The plane that flew in front of the light appeared much smaller than the light behind it. The other plane was maybe about 1/3 of the size of the light, and the light was very far away from the other plane as well. At that point, I decided to take a photo.

Moments later, I heard a few other passengers talking about the strange light. I did not engage with them.

The light stayed in the same place for 5-8 minutes. If the light had been stationary, it would have moved out of sight of my window. It stayed in the exact same place relative to my window. That’s when I realized the light must have been moving at the same speed that we were flying. That’s when I began filming at 5:38 pm.

After a few moments, the light ascended from its original position. It moved upward and then started to make unnatural movements laterally. Over the course of about 3 minutes, it moved higher into the sky and continued to make rapid movements to the left and right. The light would occasionally pause and remain still for a few moments. 

Eventually, the light moved back toward the rear of the plane and I could no longer see it out the window.

The city I listed is an approximate location based on the time and flight path. 

Unfortunately, I had fallen asleep at some point during my flight. I woke up from some rough turbulence and some unusual electrical activity on the plane. (Seat belt sign turning on and off, flickering lights.) I looked out the window when I woke up and I immediately saw the light. Unfortunately I cannot account for where the light came from and how it manifested because I was asleep prior to seeing it. 

Having watched the video and read the report a few times, a few thoughts came to mind;

1. The "unusual electrical activity". While a common detail reported in most sightings dating back to 1951, Tara explains that she woke up to both it AND rough turbulence. I am not aware of any reports (outside of outlier cases with seemingly antagonistic lights/craft) causing turbulence, however I am aware that turbulence can occasionally cause unusual electrical activity. This is caused by planes diverting power to systems that are a higher priority in turbulence.

2. The usual suspects were initially where I landed. Venus (debunked, in my opinion by the obvious movement of the light). Another plane on a similar trajectory (though seemingly debunked by Tara stating she was able to see another plane fly in front of the light, at which point she was able to gauge the size of the light as three times that of a passenger jet).

3. Her first thought that it was a building, I found interesting. There have been a handful other reports in recent years of buildings spotted breaking the clouds, but people realizing the buildings would be 30,000 feet in the air (not to mention the "sky cities" spotted from time to time, explained, perhaps dis-satisfyingly, as fata morgana and hoaxes). This is clearly not the case in the video, but an interesting first thought.

4. Other options of the ab/paranormal variety jump out. Unidentified craft is the first, but in my opinion, least likely. It moves erratically. Seemingly aimless, though intentional, like a fly. Though, as Tara states, it seemed to keep up with the plane, from a distance. If I had to lump it into an ab/para category, I'd file it closer to the "intelligent" light phenomenon with the Min Min Lights, the Marfa Lights, the Brown Mountain lights, etc. Those all generally appear only a few feet above the ground in most cases, however as anyone with even a vague interest in the phenomena would know, a massive amount of sightings involve lights and not (visible) craft.

5. Lastly, though she discounts ball lightning, I'm not certain I can. Ball lightning is not well understood, and it was only fairly recently (2006) that modern science accepted it as existing at all when it was recreated in a lab.

From a phys.org article on ball lightning studies:

"[Scientist John] Lowke proposes that ball lightning occurs in houses and aeroplanes when a stream of ions accumulates on the outside of a glass window and the resulting electric field on the other side excites air molecules to form a ball discharge. The discharge requires a driving electric field of about a million volts.

So, seeing as two planes are in this report, and the east coast of the United States is, in general, a heavy traffic air corridor, is it possible that electrical discharge has built and somehow sustained itself in a pocket of air pressure and whatever other conditions it would need at 30,000 feet to exist? Perhaps. I don't think an answer to that is available until we understand the phenomenon of ball lightning more fully.

I also looked into NUFORC for similar sightings within this four day period from Tara's sighting to the Albany sighting. This is a map with all regional sightings reported to NUFORC between January 13th and 16th, 2020. Red indicates January 13th, blue indicates January 15th, and purple indicates January 16th. Oddly, there were no regional sightings reported to NUFORC on January 14th (though most of the country panicked and reported Starlink like it was War of the Worlds).

One other interesting note about these data points is that there does appear to be a clear corridor of activity. However, this is also a high traffic area as far as commercial flights go, and I am positive that most sightings in this area could easily be attributed to regular, mundane, misidentified aircraft (as long as you don't read the NUFORC reports, anyway).

I have reached out to Frontier, with no reply.

Quick Podcast Update

Hello Folks, Just a quick update regarding the Low Strangeness podcast that I've been talking about for the last year or so. Yesterday I...