Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Activity in My Apartment (Updates from December 2019 through January 2020, Burlington VT)

The following paragraphs are notes I had taken over the last couple months of anything in the apartment that caught my attention.

12.20.19 - 7:30 or 8 am. Was awake briefly before it happened. Clacking again. Maybe a tack falling? No tack missing from wall that i can see. Felt as though I was woken up to hear it.

12.22.19 - 5:05 pm-ish. Elizabeth is in the bathroom putting on makeup. She hears a distinct whistle, almost a tune. She says it was in the hallway. I was at work and the apartment was empty.

01.06.20    - 10:45 am. I am in the bathroom and hear Elizabeth talking to the cat in the kitchen. Leaving the bathroom I hear her still in the kitchen say something to me. The cat however is in the living room. I ask her what she said and she doesn't answer. I go into the bedroom and she is in the bedroom with her headphones on.
                 - 11:14 am. Elizabeth is working and stops and tells me her desk just shook. No doors have closed in the house to shake it. She describes the shake as "more than a bump, as if someone purposely shook the desk." Says she had not bumped it.

                 - 11:30 -11:50 pm. Being such an active day, I use an EMF reader to conduct a house-wide emf sweep, looking for anomalies. The sweep is mostly normal, save for one corner of the bedroom and the front bedroom window. mid to high level readings over an old painting of mine called "Eve" that drop to normal readings outside of the painting. Mid level readings at 11:30. (thought: could be power lines in the wall or on outside of house). ten minutes later normal low readings in same area, save for a small bubble that seems to be about six inches away from the wall and 4 to six inches in diameter. Over three minutes of reading the area the bubble wanders and eventually dissipates. Low level readings throughout room (NOTE 02.05.20: and regularly afterward during random sweeps over the following weeks.).

the painting "Eve".

01.20.20 - sounds heard throughout the night in the closed bedroom. Around 2am I heard what sounded like a foil bag crumpled on the other side of the room. Nothing over there. Later Elizabeth heard what sounded like a pen being dropped on her desk and sliding across it. A pen is on the desk. She also heard the water droplet sounds that were occasionally picked up in the audio recordings from the earlier posts, 20ish randomly over the course of ten minutes or so. No source of a sound like that.

Anxiety in the apartment had overtaken both of us, whether due to a poor roommate situation (poltergeist  activity had crossed my mind), or perhaps something a bit more darkly fantastical, we had to move. On January 26th we moved out of the apartment. We discovered a small patch of mold growing in the same corner where the painting was placed. Both of us have experienced adverse reactions to mold in the past, Elizabeth physiologically and myself mentally, becoming paranoid and depressed potentially from constant (years long) exposure to black mold in a house I had lived in at one point. Mold is a suspect.

In our new apartment activity has not stopped. Update coming.

Quick Podcast Update

Hello Folks, Just a quick update regarding the Low Strangeness podcast that I've been talking about for the last year or so. Yesterday I...