Friday, July 31, 2020

Activity in My Life (July 2020, Burlington VT)

A few months of general calm. 

One night in April I woke to the sound of the string lights in my room tapping against the wall. When I looked up it continued briefly and then stopped, almost with force. There was no breeze and the window was closed. Immediately afterward a large painting of mine called "Dry" fell off of the wall, again, with force. This, and other phenomena, has been known to happen, and continues.

Small synchronicities abound as per usual. Nothing to really note. I am sure I am forgetting something, but with the way this year has gone, can you blame me?

In July I began experimenting with the app "Randonautica", which uses random number generators to create GPS coordinates. The app suggests setting an intention and many, many people (myself included) have experienced synchronicities on a varying scale using the app. Chaos magic in the app store. 2020, am I right? I have a few thoughts on the idea of forcing synchronicity that I'm not entirely comfortable with, but, like any good man of damnation, I intend to fuck around.

However, it should be noted that since using the app, a number of interesting things have begun to occur. I will exclude small synchronicities (hearing a name I was just thinking, for example).

On July 27th -
I was lying in bed after work. It was shortly after 1 am. A water droplet fell on my leg. When I touched my leg the spot was wet before being absorbed by my skin. There was no rain, no leak, no source that I could find. I told Elizabeth and she thought that the fan may blown in water from somewhere. A few minutes later a larger drop hit my back. In the morning Elizabeth drew the connection to the water droplet sounds we had been hearing (and recorded) over the winter but couldn't find. The fan may be the best explanation.

July 29th-
At 7:08pm Elizabeth was lying on our bed when another painting of mine called "Routine is Taking it's Toll" jumped off the wall. Elizabeth was adamant that there was no breeze and no reason for it. Though she has experienced this sort of thing for a while, she was so disturbed by it that she left the house for a number of hours. A note on this painting is the title, which at the time I didn't think of. When I first moved to Austin, "I" woke up from sleep, looked at Elizabeth, and in "someone else's voice" (according to her) said "I'm bored".

A short while later, that same day, at 7:55 pm, Elizabeth is biking on a bike trail and according to her, she thinks how nice it would be to run into someone she knows. We have lived in this city for less than a year and know very few people. She immediately runs into someone we had met a few nights before.

Similarly, at 11pm, a coworker (who will remain nameless for now) and I were discussing another coworker we hadn't heard from in a long time. That morning the coworker emails her.

at 11:32pm, after I had clocked off and was walking to the elevator in the empty hallway, over my left shoulder a voice loudly says what sounds like "HOOOOF" in a breathy but strained adult female voice. No one is near me. No explanation.

July 30th- 
at 11:31 am Elizabeth is considering putting on her makeup while sitting at her desk. She looks around and sees a palette. Less than a minute later she gets an email notification selling palettes. This one is small, sure, but I include to point out the amount of noticeable activity.

A small note to end the entry:
Beginning in the last week I have begun to experience nocturnal leg cramping. Which is obviously more horrible than anything.

Quick Podcast Update

Hello Folks, Just a quick update regarding the Low Strangeness podcast that I've been talking about for the last year or so. Yesterday I...